Friday, 28 July 2017

Peer Mediation #1

                                       Peer Mediation

Today I had Peer mediation. We had five problems 1 was a little girl was trying to draw on someones face and she didn't like it, We also helped kids find there friends and I was able to do another day because my day was rained off. The leadership trait I showed was Active thinker because I thought it might be raining so I went another day, And the care value I showed was Community because the group needed help.

Help out around the school #1

                            Help out around the school

Today Brook and I were wanting to help out around the school so we went up to Mr Rush and asked if he needed any help, he said yes, and if at lunch time we could meet him outside the staff room and we can go around the school and pick up all the cabbage tree leaves and the flax that has come off the bushes, so we went and got some bags and gloves and went around and picked up the tree leaves and the flax, and a bit of rubbish and made the school a better environment and Brook and I did it for about a week. The leadership trait I showed was Active Thinker because I was trying my best to help make the school a better, healthy place. The care value I showed was  cleaning up after others and help out with what I can.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Current Events Term 2, 2017

WALT: I can successfully research a current event.
Here is a link to our online modelling book for this unit of learning.

The National Standard that I have been aiming for during this unit of learning is:

  • Year 7/8: I can use appropriate skills and technologies to find and use a range of texts for specific purposes.

Each week we have read a short text about a current event/ topic. We then formed questions based on what we had read.  After this we researched the answers to our questions and finally we gave our opinions on what we had found out.

Here is some evidence of my learning.

My Next Step is to continue to apply the reading and research skills that I have learned in a variety of other areas.